The Story

This idea began with my search for healthy, organic baby food.

I want the very best for my children, that includes protecting them from an unhealthy environment for as long as I can. I grew up in a home where nutrition was a very important factor. My mom was dedicated to providing a healthy start in mine and my siblings lives. My husband also grew up in an environment where fresh fruits and vegetables were readily available. Giving our own children fresh, organic, nutritious food is one way for us to create a safe world and a healthy start for them.

I have two little boys, Tanner and Brody. One of the things I feel passionately about is providing healthy and nutritious food for them. While I was pregnant with my first son, I researched the options I would have when my babies were ready to eat solid foods. I quickly realized how limited my choices would be. There were few things I would compromise when giving my baby his first food; it had to be organic, fresh, nutritious, tasty, and easy to prepare. And of course I did not want to pay an arm and a leg for it.

Because of my criteria listed above, I realized that to be able to fulfill all the requirements I would have to prepare the food myself. I could not find one product on the shelves or in the freezer section that met all my expectations. That is when I decided to make my own. I washed, pealed, steamed, mashed, and froze vegetable and fruit cubes for both of my boys. I mixed different types of fruit and vegetable cubes together. I mixed fruit cubes with hot cereal and yogurt. I even mixed vegetable cubes with ground meats. And my boys love them all; they cannot seem to get enough of these wonderful cubes. Starting them off with a variety of good foods as babies has helped create amazing appetites for a wide range of foods now that they are getting older.

So, I started thinking that if my boys loved the food I prepared for them, why not offer the same great taste to other babies? I talked to other parents. I even prepared and shared some of my veggies and fruits with some of my friends' babies and they all loved it. The moms testing my baby food loved the convenience, the quality of the food, and the ease of preparing healthy and nutritious meals.

-Arian Hatch